The Remotex App Admin Panel

Note: This panel can be used to test remotex webview. You need the demo app of remotex webview installed in your device. Any changes you make here will reflect in the app after restarting app. This panel data you changed will reset to default after you access the panel again, but the app changes will not be affected. This is because many people use this panel and it's public.

You can upload this panel in your website after purchasing the remotex code so the data you entered will not reset.

This panel lets you customize the RemoteX android app

Because many users need to test it, any changes you make here will not be saved here in this form, but in remotex app, the changes will be saved until you or another user make changes in this panel again

After you purchase the remotex source code, the panel we give you will save data so you don't need change all again

Some parts of this form input requires commands or urls. Here is the list of commands

List of commands

goHome - Loads home page

sharePage - Shares the current page link

reload - Reloads current page

webGoForward - Loads the last forward page

webGoBack - Loads the previous page

openSettings - Opens App Settings Activity

ExitApp - Closes App

openDrawer - Opens the left Drawer Menu

null - Pass this to do nothing, for example - when click on drawer header image

dismiss - Dismisses the notification inapp alert window Menu

Need more commands or more features? contact me @

Homepage & Splash Links

Splash image: Provide a jpg or png url. The splash image will be available only if users granted storage permissions. The splash downloads in background after 20 seconds app open, it will be applied on next app restart only if it downloads successful

Toolbar Customization


Drawer Menu Customization

Currently, 6 items available for drawer menu, each item can be modified toolbar_

URLs for drawer menu icons

Provide direct url to icons: Supports SVG,JPG,PNG icons.

Drawer menu items action - URL or commands

Actions or url: You can set command to each item to execute on item click or you can provide url to load pages, clear the default texts to reveal commands

Drawer menu items title

Set titles for each item of drawer menu: You can set your own text titles to each menu items

Drawer menu header customization

To customize header of drawer menu: You can set your own image on header. set image url "null" to use app icon. Supports commands or url on header image click. set command "null" to disable action

Bottombar Customization

To customize bottom menu: You can set your own icons and actions on each bottom menu item. Supports SVG, JPG or PNG icons. SVG is best


Bottombar item click action - commands or URL

Bottombar icons url

Floating Button Customization


RemoteX Notification Service

Info: This is the RemoteX's own notification system without using any external services or libraries. You may send unlimited notifications here

Notification url info: The page url you want open when users click on the notification "ok" button or in the panel. pass "dismiss" if you don't want users to load any page

Notification ID Usage: You must use different ID (example - 1, 2, 7 etc.) each time you send a notification, otherwise,it will be ignored


App Update Customization

Info: The app update works by checking the version of app. For example, if your new app has version 1.0 and you set app version here 1.0 also, then update will not work, the version you set here must be different from current app's version name, otherwise it will be ignored by app. this way, only old version users get update

Info: if force update is on, users cannot use app until they update

Info:The Welcome screen, also called Onboarding screen helps you to introduce the app to your users. You can let users know your website functions and other infos, this can increase productivity & user experience. The screen will be shown only once (until user click "Skip" or "Got it")

Screen 1

Screen 2

Screen 3

Screen 4


Server url info: If allowed, in settings of app, users may temporarily change server url

Note: The data you entered will be reset next time you access admin panel, Make sure you have carefully chosen all fields before clicking the "Apply changes" button

Panel version. v2.1 Copyright